• An Everyone a Changemaker World through Diversity, Equity...

  • Ashoka’s DEI Strategic Plan

  • Ashoka Fellows Council for Equity

  • DEI Related and Influenced Efforts

  • Ashoka's DEI Taskforce

  • DEI Strategic Partners and Allies

  • The DEI Team

An Everyone a Changemaker World through Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 


Valuing diversity and creating the space where all are seen, respected, and included is central to our core work of building an Everyone a Changemaker world. In fact, the ‘everyone’ in Everyone a Changemaker is not achievable without a deliberate commitment to inclusion, and that begins with Ashoka itself as we aspire to be the welcoming home of changemakers. 

An EACH world is by definition, one where everyone has the capacity and opportunity to contribute and to create positive change. In this world, everyone is powerful, everyone has a voice, everyone has access to needed resources, and everyone can thrive. When everyone is a changemaker, there is no place for systems of oppression and hierarchy because no groups dominate or exploit others. In fact, when everyone is powerful the systems that perpetuate inequity get dismantled and rebuilt to enable equal access to opportunities and embrace the incredible range of perspectives, narratives, and lived human experiences. 

A commitment to DEI and to EACH is mutually reinforcing: without a robust emphasis on diversity, equity and inclusion, changemaking risks becoming a skillset and mindset reserved for the privileged few — contributing to a new inequality (much like the digital divide) between those who have time and space and support to be changemakers and those who do not. Meanwhile, the closer we get to an Everyone a Changemaker world, the more that a truly diverse, equitable, and inclusive society is possible in the first place. 


In order to achieve this vision, Ashoka has launched a holistic Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiative led by a dedicated team and informed by a global Taskforce that reflects the diverse cultures, countries, perspectives, and identities of our Ashoka community. 

Ashoka’s DEI Strategic Plan

As a result of this initiative we will see equity being improved in procedures and processes that enable a fair treatment, access, opportunity, and advancement for all people while striving to identify and eliminate barriers that have prevented the full participation of underrepresented groups. 

In this work we see the opportunity to strengthen and enhance our networks, create meaningful synergies, and build bridges throughout the social entrepreneurship sphere, and maximize the impact of all of Ashoka’s programming. 


3 Areas of Focus


Individual & Institutional Awareness/Learning Journey

Building a truly diverse, inclusive, and equitable organization requires all (primarily but not exclusively- those who hold most of the power) to actively engage in the never-ending journey of eliminating our own discriminatory biases (conscious and unconscious) and of becoming aware of our power and privilege so that we can learn how to truly see, trust and welcome all of those who are different from us. This awareness & learning journey is an empathy-in-action effort that will make us better at seeing and engaging “everyone” in our Everyone a Changemaker" vision and mission.

Creative Problem Solving

DEI informed actions

As a changemaking organization we understand that seeing things differently will bring about change to our processes and structures. It is a natural phenomenon and progression that we will enable and pursue through our DEI framework. We embark on this effort acknowledging that change is difficult, it requires time and patience, and it will need us to always be conscious of the different perspectives inside the Ashoka family. All DEI informed actions should take this understanding into account.

Collective Teamwork

Assessment and Accountability

Assessing and measuring the impact of our DEI work is a crucial pillar of the DEI strategy. This will be our method of accountability (internally and externally) that will also inform, and course correct our strategy and actions. The DEI Team will build a data and assessment instrument that allows the organization to monitor its DEI metrics, both quantitatively and qualitatively, with the goals of leveraging these insights to move our work forward. 

These are collective efforts and go far beyond the work of the DEI team

The contribution of each and every one of us is essential to translate our vision into reality. In this journey towards a fully diverse, inclusive, and equitable world, we acknowledge that change starts with us, we recognize that we are all learners and that we have the responsibility to ensure that we embody our own values.

Ashoka Fellows Council for Equity

We launched a global Council of Ashoka Fellows to support DEI efforts as we strive to make Ashoka a truly diverse, equitable, and inclusive organization. We are honored and excited to work with this phenomenal group of leading changemakers.

EACH-DEI in Ashokan's words

Migration as a key ingredient for more diverse, equitable and inclusive societies

Migration has existed since the world began. Currently, it is estimated that there are more than 280 million international migrants, which is equivalent to around 3.5% of the world's population. People have left their countries of origin and moved in search of better opportunities, security, freedom...
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Learn more about migration in the Philippine context from the DEI Global team's interview with Ashoka Fellow Tina Liamzon

There are around 2 million Filipinos who have left their homes to be migrant workers in pursuit of higher incomes for their families. However, the majority are unable to save or invest and become stuck in often lonely and demeaning jobs. Ashoka Fellow Tina Liamzon believes that equipping migrant...

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DEI Related and Influenced Efforts

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion looks and feels differently in different parts of Ashoka. Many colleagues have been leading DEI related efforts in their own teams, countries and regions. 

*If you have DEI related efforts that you would like to add here please reach out to us [email protected] we would love to add and share!

Hola America

Hola America seeks to strengthen the ecosystem and accelerate innovative projects that provide solutions to challenges faced by migrant communities. It proposes to address the challenges associated with migration and refugee in the Latin American region through the lens of social innovation, in order to make them visible as changemakers.

Learn more about it!

Hello Europe

Hello Europe aims to become the collective voice of innovative, empowering citizen solutions in the field of migration, providing a vision of the kind of work happening in Europe and around the globe, which is creating a better society for people on the move as well as for those who meet them.

Learn more about it!

Millones de Agentes de Cambio

A community of people and organizations that are committed to promoting and supporting others to become Changemakers through a digital platform.

Learn more about it!

Observatório de Género

This initiative aims to create a community of change that uplifts  critical areas for the integration of gender in the Spanish Speaking World,  through sharing experiences and solutions among gender experts from different parts of the region.

Ashoka Changemaker Summit - Equity Session

On November 18th 2021, Ashoka Changemaker Summit hosted a conversation named "Is the equity revolution changing our organizations? A timely conversation with DEI leaders from different sectors".  We invited top leaders of the social sector to reflect on their role in building an equitable world. We had the opportunity to hear from them their biggest challenges, some of their successes, and more importantly about their commitments and aspirations for equitable practices in the social innovation field.

Ashoka’s DEI Taskforce members 

The DEI Team cannot do all this work alone. The support and dedication of key DEI champions across the organization has been and will be crucial to the success of our efforts. Besides our champions, 36 Ashoka colleagues have volunteered to support this work in each one of their areas of work and teams. We thank them and recognize their commitment to DEI work: 

Alessandro Valera

Annette McGee Johnson

Bunmi Otegbade

Clara Brauer

David Menezes

Fernanda Mijangos

Hasan Bhatti

Hector Moyeton

Jean Pierre Greenlund

Jeanine Buzali

Kenny Clewett

Lorena Garcia Duran

Marc Carr

Maria Cerdio

Martyna Markiewicz

Njideka Harry

Ovidiu Hristu Condurache

Pip Wheaton

Rafael Murta Reis

Ricardo Sanches Tomazoli

Scott Earl

Shantanu Paul

Shrushti Runwall

Simon Stumpf

Stephanie Haapalainen Ambar

Swathi Nuli

Tia Johnston Brown

Tim Scheu

Yeleka Barrett

Zahra Ibrahim 

Meet the DEI Team

Our team is one of our smartest investments, and we are practicing our values by making sure our team of teams is diverse & inclusive, with representation from different parts of the world and with inclusive team practices.

For more information about Ashoka's DEI efforts, please contact us at [email protected]