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BI EIR Mohamed Bayoumy and Ashoka Fellow Moka Lantum
“It is an amazing experience working with such a talented and driven individual who is so focused on using innovative thinking and technology to reshape the healthcare industry... I had the opportunity to really dig deeper and gain insight into emerging models that create an enabling environment for healthcare and access to safe and reliable drugs”
- EIR Mohamed Bayoumy, Boehringer Ingelheim, Saudi Arabia, and Ashoka Fellow Moka Lantum, founder of iSikCure, Kenya. Read the full interview with EIR alumni Mohamed Bayoumy

Through the Executive in Residence program, corporate executives work on-site with leading social entrepreneurs around the world for a period of from two weeks to six months. During this time with the social entrepreneur, the executive tackles a challenge that is critical to the social entrepreneur’s ability to scale their impact.

Simultaneously, by working with the world’s leading social innovators, the executives bring back lessons learned about new innovations, emerging markets, and leadership techniques. At the end of their on-site placement, the executive and social entrepreneur continue to collaborate virtually and gain the opportunity to create shared value partnerships for their organizations.

BI EIR Michael Doelland Ahoka host Fellow Frank Hoffman, Discovering Hands, Germany

Through this program, companies can:

  1. Gain access to Ashoka’s unparalleled global network of more than 3,000 Ashoka Fellows across more than 90 countries.
  2. Collaborate with Fellows that are applying cutting-edge social innovation to fields such as community development, education, financial services, healthcare, and human rights.
  3. Contribute to exponential social impact through well-defined, high-impact projects with Fellows who are already making a difference.
  4. Lay the groundwork to realize shared value via highly customized placements that match your company’s strategic interests, executive skill sets, and Fellow projects.
  5. Take advantage of Ashoka’s 25 years of experience facilitating pro bono opportunities for executives at Boehringer-Ingelheim, McKinsey & Co., Western Union, and others. 



Executive in Residence 2-pager

Click on the image above to access the Executive in Residence printable 2-pager 

EIR Impact and Learnings

Click on the image above to gain first hand insights from EIR alumni and their learnings

My pro-bono experience [with Ashoka’s Executive in Residence] has been hugely valuable. I am a more empathic leader, have a deeper understanding of our company’s role in creating social change, and recognize my own power to create positive change in the world... I encourage every corporate leader to contribute their time and skills to the social...

Kiran Shetty
Regional Vice President and Managing Director, India at Western Union Financial Service