The Berkeley School

Changemaker School
Illustration of buildings depicting an organization
Network Member Since 2016

The first six words of The Berkeley School's mission focus on what they do – ignite curious minds and awakengenerous hearts – and the last four remind them why: to engage a changing world. These ten words drive everything that happens at The Berkeley School. They crackle with energy (“ignite!” “awaken!”), demand inclusiveness (all minds are curious, all hearts are generous), and require them to sustain classroom, school, and community cultures that can respond to constant change with positive, effective engagement. All such cultures rest on their core belief that, when people feel seen and supported simultaneously, transformative learning occurs – academically, intellectually, socially, and emotionally. To that end, TBS strives to create learning environments and experiences for students, families, faculty, and staff where the generative discomfort that can come from feeling seen while growing and developing balances with the safety and strength that flow from feeling supported. In this way, they aim to transform education, lives, and the world.