Since 2007, Ashoka has elected 12 Palestine Fellows who are igniting systems change in fields such as economic empowerment, disability rights, education, and conflict resolution, among others. Critically positioned at the crossroads of many of the region’s social challenges, our Fellows in Palestine are at the forefront of social innovation and continue to serve as powerful ambassadors for social entrepreneurship as a tool for empowerment, progress, and deep systems change.

In November 2017, Ashoka Arab World co-organized Palestine’s first social entrepreneurship event, “Ashoka in Palestine.” We hope to continue to bring our Fellows together with rising social entrepreneurs and other  stakeholders in the local community in similar ways as we gather more members and partners in the region’s social entrepreneurship ecosystem.

Ashoka’s presence in Palestine is facilitated by Ashoka Arab World, Ashoka’s regional office based out of Cairo.

Read more about our Palestine Fellows here.

