Pro Bono Support

Ashoka partners with several firms and legal service provides committed to providing pro bono support to social entrepreneurs. Our partners utilize their respective expertise to support Ashoka Fellows in meeting their legal needs. While our legal team at Ashoka does not directly provide legal advice, we field Fellows requests and develop and disseminate relevant resources to support Fellows, including a Legal Audit Checklist for Social Entrepreneurs (based on US law, though some sections may be generally applicable).

In the upcoming year, we are excited to announce some new opportunities with our legal partners, and projects that will directly engage the Fellow network.

If your organization requires pro bono assistance, our team is available for an initial conversation to help connect you to a provider. In addition to the vast network of lawyers and firms to pair you according to your needs, some partners have robust libraries of online resources to help build your organization’s legal capacity.

Explore Our Programs

Ashoka is proud to offer pro bono assistance to it's Fellows. Our legal team can connect requests to our pro bono partners best suited to meet your needs. To get started, click the link below and fill out our Request Form.

Social Entrepreneurs in Legal Transformation

Join Ashoka in bringing Fellows, Law Students, and Pro Bono Partners together to strengthen connections and transform the fields of social entrepreneurship and legal practice.